1. Product/Company Description:
Company/Product Name: [Nike Basketball]
Product Overview: [A nike basketball shoe commercial. bali colourway]
2. Target Audience Demographics:
Age: 10-20
Gender: [male]
Income Level: [mid-high]
Education: [Middle School-University, kids that are educated about the topic of basketbal;]
Occupation: [Students]
Geographical Location: [bali]
3. Target Audience Psychographics:
Interests: [Basketball]
Lifestyle Choices: [sporty, hard working people who wants to find some fun in basketball]]
Values and Attitudes: [personally chill and eccentric people]
Opinions: [travel enjoyers, basketball]
4. Understanding Consumer Behavior:
Needs: [A new, flashy shoe full of colour and energy put into it]
Motivations: [young kids who want to be flashy and look cool infront of people or their
Pain Points: [The ad is for boys who are struggling with self confidence and want to look cool
5. Competitor Analysis:
Competitor Name: [adidas]
Competitor's Target Audience: [10-20 year olds too]
6. Target Audience Persona:
Persona Name: [Jhonny]
Age: [16]
Gender: [male]
Occupation: [High School students]
Interests: [Basketball]
Lifestyle: [sporty, athletic]
Values and Attitudes: [Just playing basketball, as a pain relief to anything, he is a hardworking teenager with low self esteem]
Needs and Motivations: [This persona that i've created is a pretty mid basketball player, he really needs to rack up some motivation and confidence]
Pain Points: [He may nee]
7. Aligning Advertisement with Target Audience:
Message: [With the nike GT cut 2 Bali colourway, not that it is only flashy and full of colour, it could enhance your performance by adding more self confidence]
Visuals: [First 10 seconds, dark, gloomy, last 20 seconds, bright, colourful, flashy and appealing to the eye of the audience]
Tone: [The first 10-15 seconds would be gloomy as it surrounds this boy not being able to play to his standards, but since he rocks with the new nike bali colourway, he feels like he is in Bali, in heaven with a lot of people and girls suddenly supporting him, at this point everything would be colourful and flashy to symbolize the joy and happiness]
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